1. Minimum number of units
- You must seek to create an affordable housing development that includes a minimum of 495 units at the site.
- You must ensure your proposal is compliant with existing zoning requirements, as proposals featuring zoning changes or variances will not be accepted.
2. Affordability
In planning the affordability component of your proposal, you must ensure a minimum of 30% of total units have rents below 80% of the Median Market Rent in Ottawa and the affordability must be maintained throughout the term of the 99-year lease.
3. Energy efficiency
You must demonstrate that your project is designed to meet or exceed one of the following options:
- Option A: A minimum 25% decrease in energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to the same project designed to the requirements of the 2015 National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) or the 2015 National Building Code (NBC).
- Option B: A minimum 15% decrease in energy consumption and GHG emissions compared to the same project designed to the requirements of the 2017 NECB.
4. Accessibility
You must demonstrate that your project is designed to meet or exceed one of the following options:
- Option 1: 20% of all units within the project meet or exceed accessibility standards as prescribed in Table A of the National Housing Strategy Federal Lands Initiative Energy Efficiency and Accessibility Tables and that access to the project and its common areas is barrier free.
- Option 2: The entire project (common areas and dwelling units) has full universal accessibility design.
5. Evidence of community need
You must provide a clear description of the need being met and at least 1 of the following:
- Market Feasibility Study which includes the quantitative and qualitative indicators demonstrating need and estimated absorption time.
- Letter of support from the municipality.
- Waiting lists for social or affordable housing in the community.
6. Experience
- You must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in construction and property management of projects of similar size and scope as that being proposed.
7. Financial Viability
You must demonstrate that your residential project will meet a minimum debt coverage ratio of 1.10.
The Federal Lands Initiative is open, but not limited, to the following groups:
- community housing organizations
- non-profit organizations or registered charities
- co-operative housing organizations
- municipal, provincial and territorial governments including their agencies
- Indigenous governments and organizations, including tribal councils
- for-profit organizations
- non-profit and for-profit organizations with a seniors focus
Interested applicants must demonstrate in their response to this competition how they will meet or exceed minimum requirements.