Project funding and mortgage financing
- Funding programs
Funding programs
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Funding programs
Apply for National Housing Strategy or other CMHC funding to build or renovate affordable housing.
Learn more about our funding options with CMHC’s Housing Solutions Table.
Affordable Housing Fund
Low-interest, forgivable loans and contributions for the construction of new affordable housing and the repair/renewal of existing housing.
Affordable Housing Innovation Fund
Loans, forgivable loans, contributions and financing options that support housing innovation across the housing continuum.
Apartment Construction Loan Program
Low-cost loans encouraging the construction of sustainable rental apartment projects across Canada.
Canada Greener Affordable Housing
Financing program helping affordable housing providers complete deep energy retrofits on existing multi-unit residential buildings.
Community (social) housing
Funding to increase capacity and support in the community housing sector.
Co-op Housing Development Program
Forgivable and low-interest repayable loans to build rental co-operative housing.
Federal Lands Initiative
Explore surplus federal lands and buildings available for development into affordable housing and communities.
Funding for Indigenous housing
Funding opportunities for housing construction and renovation on and off reserve.
Housing Accelerator Fund
Incentive funding for local governments to boost housing supply.
Housing Supply Challenge
$300 million in funding to break down barriers affecting housing supply.
Innovation and research
Funding opportunities to promote excellence in housing innovation and research.
National Housing Strategy Project Profiles
Encouraging innovation and technology to create affordable and livable communities for people living in Canada.
Rapid Housing Initiative
Capital contributions for the rapid construction of new housing and/or acquisition of existing buildings for rehabilitation or conversion to permanent affordable housing.

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